ITS Celebration 2018 Honors Graduates and Top Students

Burlington, VT (05/31/2018) —

The Division of Information Technology & Sciences presented its 2018 Honors Awards in April in the Champlain Room. Following a welcome by Dean Scott Stevens, Ph.D. and Champlain College President Donald J. Laackman, the following awards were given to students:

RADIOGRAPHY Presented by Professors Susyn Dees & Kathy Whiting

Kari Averill - Lambda Nu

Zemirah Delabruere - Lambda Nu

Rachel Elgert - Lambda Nu

Britney Garceau - Lambda Nu

Rebecca Howard - Lambda Nu

Grace Miller - Lambda Nu

Jacqueline Szabo - Lambda Nu

COMPUTER INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Presented by Professors Frank Canovatchel & Sarah Pettitt

Meghan Donovan - Rising Star

Maximilian Mackson - Academic Achievement

Travis Spinelli - Outstanding Student

COMPUTER & DIGITAL FORENSICS Presented by Professors Ali Hadi, Yogesh Khatri & Jonathan Rajewski

Ashley Lenze - Outstanding Sophomore

Adam Ferrante - Outstanding Junior

Michael Cook - Outstanding Senior

Matthew Mcabee - Outstanding Senior

SENATOR PATRICK LEAHY CENTER FOR DIGITAL INVESTIGATION (LCDI) Presented by Professor Jonathan Rajewski, & Joseph Williams, Project Manager

Matthew Mcabee - Service Award

Megan Hallowell - Leadership Award

COMPUTER SCIENCE & INNOVATION Presented by Professors Joshua Auerbach, Brian Hall, David Kopec, Murat Gungor & Lisa Soros

Thayer Alshaabi - Academic Achievement

Walter Hill - Faculty Choice

Dominic Marcuse - Rising Star

COMPUTER NETWORKING & CYBERSECURITY Presented by Professors Duane Dunston, Joe Eastman, Adam Goldstein, Joe Letourneau & Devin Paden

Abigail Barr - Superior Service to the Community

Parker Desborough - Outstanding Graduating Student

Alexander Marvi - Up and Coming

Emily Platz - Superior Service to the CNCS Program

MATHEMATICS Presented by Professors Melanie Brown, Michael Opperman & Warren Sides

Thayer Alshaabi - Excellence in Mathematics

Erika Anderson - Excellence in Mathematics

Charles McGarey - Excellence in Mathematics

William Tingley - Excellence in Mathematics

GAME PROGRAMMING Presented by Professors Dan Buckstein, Sajid Farooq & Dean Lawson

Silas Baker - Outstanding Programmer

Brian Baron - Outstanding Programmer

Tyler Chermely - Outstanding Programmer

James Keats - Outstanding Programmer

Laura Reilly - Outstanding Programmer

GEORGE BRADFORD EXCELLENCE AWARD Presented by Professor Wei Kian Chen Awarded to a student who demonstrates excellence in citizenship and academics. This award is named in memory of a longtime member of Champlain's technical faculty-George Bradford.

Matthew Fortier - 2018 George Bradford Excellence Award.

Here is the link to see more photos from the ITS Honors event

Learn more about the Division of Information, Technology & Science